Weekly roundup: Theater for change, and more!

Will O’Hare for TONYC
“The theater…is a rehearsal for the revolution,” said the late theater director Augusto Boal. In our new guide on social-justice storytelling, read about Boal’s thrilling theater-for-change method, “Theatre of the Oppressed,” now used worldwide by community and activist groups. The full Narrative Arts guide on “Storytelling and Social Change” is available as a downloadable PDF (sign-up required) or in an online magazine format. Other chapters are on telling great stories, developing a strategy, using humor, exploring history, and lots more!
Theatre of the Oppressed NYC, the troupe featured in the above-mentioned chapter, has a gorgeous new website. They’ve also announced that the 4th annual Legislative Theatre Festival, The Housing Circus, will take place May 4-7 at The New School! Save the date!
Voice of Witness, the group that produces books of oral histories on contemporary human rights crises, has launched the new VOW Story Fund to support oral history projects that applicants would like to explore in book-length form. Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more here.