
August 19, 2015 | Category: Blog, News and Events | Author:

Weekly roundup: Radio, collaboration, think tanks

THE FUTURE OF RADIO: The annual Future of Storytelling (FoST) Summit brings together producers, technologists and storytellers of all sorts to explore new forms of storytelling. This year’s Summit is October 7-8 in NYC, and among the speakers is Jake Shapiro, CEO of Public Radio Exchange. In the video above, he talks about the future of radio. FoST is rolling out other short videos about its Summit speakers in the weeks to come!

COLLABORATIVE STORYTELLING: How do you create spaces–museums, story-booths, public memorials–that encourage people to share their stories, or create stories together? Local Projects is a NYC-based design firm that has addressed that question repeatedly in its many “collaborative storytelling” projects for groups like StoryCorps and the 9/11 Memorial Museum. Barton will also be speaking at the FoST Summit this October.

VIDEOS FOR THINK TANKS: Think tanks are probably better known for inducing sleep rather than inspiring political change. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The website On Think Tanks has a new article on how think tanks can make videos that take viewers to the heart of the issues their reports address.