
February 21, 2022 | Category: Blog, News and Events | Author:

Quiet As It’s Kept

Narrative Arts’ audio producers have been following Techmoja ensemble over the past year as they created, Quiet As It’s Kept, a new dance work designed break silence on sexual trauma in southern Black communities.  The result is a powerful podcast series. To listen you can find links to various audio platforms here.

Quiet As It’s Kept explores the intersection of historical sexual trauma, southern culture, and silence in Black communities. As a point of departure, the program interprets the oral histories of Black survivors of sexual abuse living in rural areas in coastal North Carolina. The program incorporates dance, puppetry, and music rooted in the region’s traditional folk arts. Central to this work is a community engagement strategy that works with local and national stakeholders that contextualize the work and spark an active discourse. Techmoja is a separate organization from Narrative Arts – learn more about their work here.