Get a move on: Walking, listening, and telling stories

JANE’S WALK GETS A MOVE ON: On May 2nd, 3rd and 4th people in about 100 cities worldwide will celebrate the annual festival of Jane’s Walk — a movement of free, locally led walking tours inspired by Jane Jacobs. As the Canada-based organization says, “The walks get people to explore their cities and connect with neighbours.” Among the walks that day are a stroll around Chinatown in Singapore, a look at a changing commercial district in New Orleans and an exploration of urban identity in Goiânia. A blog post on the site draws on various sources to explore the relationship of walking to social movements, such as Occupy Wall Street and Tahrir Square.
PHILADELPHIA STORY LISTENING PARTY: SoMove, or the “Social Movements Oral History Tour,” makes a stop in Philadelphia this Sunday, April 27, for an evening of “sound and story, snacks and discussion.” The topic? How stories can inspire new forms of organizing and understanding. There will be recordings and reflections from CUNY’s Student Liberation Action Movement, the Trans Oral History Project, and SoMove itself. Click here for more info on the event.
MEYER FOUNDATION’S STORYTELLING INITIATIVE: Rick Moyers of the Meyer Foundation writes in the Daily WRAG blog, “I’ve become convinced that almost all nonprofits could engage more supporters and have a greater impact if only they were better at telling their stories.” They’ve partnered with Georgetown University’s Center for Social Impact Communication to launch the “Stories Worth Telling” initiative, which builds the storytelling capacity of their grantees. He puts in a plug for a talk by Narrative Arts’ own Paul VanDeCarr on “Storytelling for Social Change,” in Washington, DC on May 6th, and sponsored by the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers (WRAG). The event is for staff of grantmaking foundations only.